
DSPR Forårsmøde + Generalforsamling 2024
31. marts 2024

DSPR Forårsmøde afholdes i år den 3. maj på Charlottehaven i København.

På forårsmødet fremlægges frie foredrag, efterfulgt af generalforsamling og middag, ligeledes på Charlottehaven.

Billetter sælges her fra d. 18. februar: www.DSPR.safeticket.dk



Abstracts til foredrag sendes til tine.m.engberg.damsgaard@rsyd.dksenest d. 18. marts 2024. Se guidelines for abstract på www.DSPR.dk under fanden "Møder". Der vil blive afholdt to foredragskonkurrencer i hhv. længere foredrag og flashtalks. Besked om optaget foredrag vil blive udsendt d. 2. april 2024.



DSPRs generalforsamlingen afholdes i forlængelse af mødet på Charlottehaven.

Forslag til dagsorden skal være bestyrelsen i hænde senest d. 11. april 2024.

Følgende pladser i bestyrelsen er på valg:

-       Formandsposten (Vibeke Koudahl kan ikke genopstille)

-       Linnea Schmidt (uddannelseslæge), Peter Siemssen (praktiserende speciallæge) og Michael Vestergaard Thomsen. Alle tre er villige til genvalg.

-       Derudover skal to nye poster besættes, hvoraf én skal være overvejende beskæftiget med kosmetisk plastikkirurgi (se vedtægter på www.DSPR.dk under fanen "Organisation").

Plastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery Visiting Fellowship in Germany on Trialect
30. oktober 2023

We at Trialect is thrilled to present an exclusive opportunity for medical professionals to enhance their expertise in Plastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecological Oncology at Pius-Hospital, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany, is delighted to offer a unique program led by Prof. Dewilde Rudy-Leon at Apply Here.

Program Highlights: Plastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery: This program offers a comprehensive learning experience encompassing diagnostic, cancer, plastic, and reconstructive breast surgery. Prof. Dewilde Rudy-Leon, a distinguished expert in this field, will guide you through the intricacies of breast surgery.

  • World-Renowned Expertise: Prof. Dewilde Rudy-Leon's courses are renowned globally, making this program a unique opportunity to learn from one of the leading figures in the field.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Gain insights into various aspects of breast surgery, including diagnostics, cancer surgery, and plastic and reconstructive techniques.


About Oldenburg, Germany: Oldenburg is a picturesque city in Lower Saxony, Germany, known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and vibrant atmosphere. During your fellowship, you'll have the chance to explore the city's charming streets, historic architecture, and cultural events. Oldenburg offers a perfect blend of traditional charm and modern amenities, making it an ideal location to live and learn.