Afholdte møder

SCAPLAS Congress 2024
12. juni 2024 - 14. juni 2024

SCAPLAS Congress 2024 afholdes d. 12.-14. juni i Helsinki:

Mødets placering: Wanha Satama, Helsinki

The 16th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery
9. maj 2024 - 12. maj 2024

The 16th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery afholdes i Milano d. 9-12. maj 2024

Mødets placering:

DSPR Forårsmøde 2024
3. maj 2024

Afholdes i København på Charlottehaven

Mødets placering:

Th 10th World Symposium for Lymphedema Surgery
22. april 2024 - 24. april 2024

The 10th World Symposium for Lymphedema Surgery afholdes i Taipei d. 22.-24. april 2024.

Mødets placering:

NAAM5 i Oslo 2023
27. oktober 2023 - 28. oktober 2023

Der inviteres til:

The 5th Norwegian American Aesthetic Hybrid Meeting (NAAM5) and 2nd Norway’s ISAPS (International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) Symposium

Friday and Saturday, October 27-28, 2023, Oslo, Norway


Se invitation  her

Mødets placering:

DSPR efterårsmøde 2023
29. september 2023 - 30. september 2023



29.-30. SEPTEMBER 2023




Foreløbigt program





9.00-9.30 Kaffe/te – rundstykker mv


9.30 Velkomst ved formand Vibeke Koudahl


9.45- 10.45 Paraffinsygdom


10.45-11.00 Kaffe/te - udstilling


11.00 – 12.00 Cancer cavi oris + hoved-hals cancer


12.00-13.00 Frokost - udstilling


13.00 – 14.00 Hidrosadenit


14.00 - 14.30 Kaffe/te - udstilling


14.30 – 15.30 Neurokirurgisk/plastikkirurgisk multidisciplinært samarbejde


15.30-16.00 Paneldebat om multidisciplinært samarbejde


16.15-17.15 Generalforsamling i Danske Plastikkirurgers Organisation


18.30 Velkomstdrink og middag




9.00-10.00 Sarcom


10.00-11.00 Colo-rektalcancer


11.00-11.30 Kaffe/te - udstilling


11.30- 12.30 Senfølger til kræft i bækkenorganerne


12.30-12.45 Afrunding og To-Go frokost

Mødets placering:

DSPR forårsmøde 2023
12. maj 2023 - 30. september 2023

Vil blive afholdt på Charlottehaven, København

Mødets placering:

Transatlantic Plastic surgery summit
14. juni 2020 - 17. juni 2020

Husk 14-17- juni 2020 i Reykjavik fælles Nordisk kongres med USA, UK og Canada


Mødets placering: Reykjavik, Island

Forårsmøde og Generalforsamling DSPR
15. maj 2020 - 16. juni 2020

Kære Kolleger


Forårsmødet og DSPR’s Generalforsamling afholdes


fredag d. 15. maj 2020 i Charlottehaven, Hjørringgade 12C, 2100 København Ø

Her vil mødet, generalforsamling, middag og efterfølgende fest også blive afholdt.


Dagsorden til Generalforsamlingen vil blive offentliggjort på hjemmesiden og udsendt til medlemmerne senest 10 dage før og forslag til dagsordenen, der ønskes behandlet på generalforsamlingen, skal være bestyrelsen i hænde senest 3 uger før generalforsamlingen afholdes.


På forårsmødet fremlægges frie foredrag.


Vi har de senere år set en tiltagende mængde af abstracts og vil gerne tilskynde den udvikling samt bidrage til kvaliteten. Som tidligere vil et abstract blive belønnet med en pris for bedste abstract/foredrag (skal være en uddannelsessøgende). Der bliver udvalgt 3-5 abstracts ud forinden, der konkurrerer om prisen, ligesom nogle abstracts udvælges til flash-talk.

 Der er deadline for indsendelse af abstracts d. 1. april 2020


Vedr. skabelon; se vejledning på DSPR’s hjemmeside under medlemsindhold/dokumenter/abstracts, skal sendes til



Med venlig hilsen

Bestyrelsen DSPR

Mødets placering: Charlottehaven, Hjørringgade 12C, 2100 København Ø

24. april 2020 - 25. april 2020

Mødets placering: Hotel Faaborg Fjord, Svendborgvej 175, 5600 Faaborg

Esser Masterclass: NERVES 16-17 January 2020
17. januar 2020

Kære kolleger

On behalf of the department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery in the Erasmus MC, Rotterdam the Netherlands, we are sending you the course Esser Masterclass: NERVES 16-17 January 2020

Upper extremity nerve problems are of every day for a upper extremity surgeon. The variety of compression neuropathies, idiopathic pathology or nerve reconstructions are a challenge. Therefore we designed a two-day course (16-17 January 2020) with theoretical and practical sessions offering almost all reconstructive, decompression and denervation interventions of nerve pathology in the forearm and hand. The practical sessions will be performed on fresh frozen cadavers with two participants per extremity.

We believe that this is an interesting course for the Plastic Surgery Society. Registration via

Mødets placering: Rotterdam, Holland

26. april 2019

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Mødets placering: Waterloo, Belgium

23. oktober 2018 - 27. oktober 2018

Europæisk kongres 23-27 oktober 2018

Mødets placering: Cypern

Nordisk kongres og Nordic Burn Meeting i København 13.-16. juni 2018
13. juni 2018 - 16. juni 2018

The 37th Congress of the Scandinavian Association of Plastic Surgeons                  

The 16th Nordic Burn Meeting

 The 9th Nordic Congress of Nurses in Plastic Surgery

For the second time we include the biannual burn meeting in the Scandinavian Association of Plastic Surgeons and Nordic Congress of Nurses in Plastic Surgery, and expect to cover all areas of Plastic Surgery.

We are a specialty with great variety in procedures, patient category and daily routines, however as plastic surgeons we share the same training and same approach to problems. We reconstruct by shaping and moving tissue.

The Nordic countries share a common history and culture and our training program is similar.

We wish to strengthen this bond and make a congress that is both on the highest international level, but also with a Nordic focus and possibility to share experience and challenges.

Besides from covering the many areas and contemporary topics of plastic and reconstructive surgery we would like to bring focus on the management of scars, prevention, treatment and evaluation of scars. This is an unavoidable part of our challenge as plastic surgeons.

The programme will appeal to both trainees and specialists.

The congress will be held in the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen. We look forward to show you Copenhagen from it’s best with a great social programme and a spectacular Gala Dinner.


COPENHAGEN  Copenhagen enjoys a central location in the heart of a major knowledge hub. This city is among the world’s most  popular convention  cities, due to its easy accessibility, high levels of efficiency and low crime rate - and in recent years, successful organization of sustainable events in the record high number of ecocertified hotels and venues within the city.  

The capital city seamlessly blends tradition with modernity; technology with beauty; and efficiency with friendliness. With Denmark as the oldest monarchy in the world and         Copenhagen being one of the world’s greatest design capitals, the city offers a wide variety of cultural experiences and stunning          architecture within its compact city centre. 

ACCESSIBILITY Copenhagen Airport is Scandinavia’s main traffic hub with non-stop flights from around 140 destinations.  

The airport is located only 13 minutes away from the city centre by Metro or train.        Copenhagen has one of the world’s most    efficient infrastructures with multiple bus lines, the Metro, a train network and harbour busses; making it quick, easy and safe to get around.    


The Organizing Committee 

Mødets placering: Scandic Hotel København

1st ESPRAS Flap Dissection Course Free Flaps
1. juni 2018 - 2. juni 2018

1st ESPRAS Flap Dissection Course

Free Flaps

June, 1st – 2nd 2018

Graz, Austria

Course Organiser

Stephan Spendel, Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Paul Wurzer, Ass. Dr.

Course Directors

Anderhuber Friedrich, o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.

Institute for Macroscopic and Clinical Anatomy, Medical University Graz,


Lars P. Kamolz, Univ. Prof. Dr.

Division of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of

Surgery, Medical University Graz, Austria

Michael V. Schintler, Univ. Prof. Dr.

Division of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of

Surgery, Medical University Graz, Austria

Stephan Spendel, Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Division of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of

Surgery, Medical University Graz, Austria

Contact information

con:concept e.u

Birgit Kamolz, Hangweg 7, 8075 Hart bei Graz Austria

Tel: +43 676 6039928,


Lectures: Parkhotel Graz, Leonhardstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, Austria

Dissections: Institute for Macroscopic and Clinical Anatomy, Harrachgasse

21/1 HG, 8010 Graz, Austria

Mødets placering: Graz, Østrig

2. Norsk-amerikanske estetiske møte
27. oktober 2017 - 28. oktober 2017

Her kommer den første kunngjøringen om vårt neste 2. Norsk-amerikanske estetiske møte 

Læs mere her

 fredag 27. oktober 2017.


Med vennlig hilsen


Amin Kalaaji



Mødets placering: Oslo, Norway

The 2nd Norwegian-American Aesthetic Surgery Meeting Oslo, Norway October 27, 2017
27. oktober 2017

Dear colleagues,

The prelimenary program for the upcoming 2nd Norwegian American Aesthetic Meeting (NAAM 2 meeting) Friday 27 October 2017 is now posted on the meeting's website: 

The preliminary program is located at the bottom of the page.

We would also like to remind you about the Early Bird registration that last until June 6th. Registerering before this date gives you a discount on the congress fee. 

 You can register here:

Scroll down the page to find "Registration" and fill out the form. You will receive a confirmation by e-mail immediately after registration.

Amin Kalaaji 


Mødets placering: Oslo, Norge

EBA meeting, Barcelona, Spain
6. september 2017 - 9. september 2017

Save the date: 6 - 9 September 2017
17th European Burns Association Congress

Mødets placering: Barcelona, Spanien

Forårsmøde DSPR 9. juni 2017
9. juni 2017 - 9. september 2017

Mødets placering: Panum Instituttet, København

5th ISPRES CONGRESS Marseille 6-9. oktober 2016
6. oktober 2016 - 9. oktober 2016

International Society of Plastic & Regenerative Surgeons

Mødets placering: Marseille, Frankrig

DSPR's efterårsmøde
30. september 2016 - 1. oktober 2016

30-9 til 1-10- 2016 Hindsgavl

Mødets placering:

Forårsmøde og generalforsamling DSPR 3. juni 2016 på Panumintistuttet, København
3. juni 2016

Abstacts senest d. 1. maj 2016

Mødets placering: Panum, København

Mikrokirurgisk årsmøde
7. april 2016 - 8. april 2016

Det 32th. årlige møde i  Dansk Mikrokirurgisk Selskab


April  7-8th, 2016 Hindsgavl Castle
Hoved talere:
  • Prof A Lee Dellon, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, USA                    
  • Periferal nerve surgery and nerve decompressions
  • Dr. Joachim Quetz,UKSH, Kiel, Germany
    Nasal Reconstruction, principles, local and free flaps
  • Dr Abdul Tareen and Dr Claus Gregersen, Denmark
    Nasal analysis and aesthetics
Biletter kan købes her:

Mødets placering: Hindsgavl slot

Kommende kurser i assessment
25. marts 2016 - 19. oktober 2016

We are pleased to announce our courses for 2016.


Singapore International Advanced Assessment Course

25-26 March 2016

Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, 392 Havelock Road, Singapore, 169663

To register for the course, please visit our website:

Enquiries: please email the Course Administrator:


International Advanced Assessment Course

19-20 October 2016

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 27 Sussex Place, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4RG

To register for the course, please visit our website:

Enquiries: please email the Course Administrator:


These courses are unique in providing a forum for participants to meet world experts in assessment (from Canda, Netherlands, Singapore, UK and USA) who will share their knowledge and skills in key plenaries and a wide choice of workshops. There will also be opportunities for networking, exchange of ideas and collaboration with other participants.


Foundations of Assessment Course

24-25 May 2016

Apothecaries Hall, Black Friars Lane, London, EC4V 6EJ

To register for the course, please visit our website:

Enquiries: please email the Course Administrator:


This course is aimed to be an introduction to the fundamental principles and best practices in assessment in medical and other health professional areas.


Please download our flyers, attached to this email.

Katharine Boursicot
Course Convenor & Director HPAC

Mødets placering:

Eado møde i Marseille
28. oktober 2015 - 31. oktober 2015

Mødets placering: Marseille

European Course in Plastic Surgey
28. oktober 2015 - 30. oktober 2015

Det kommende europæiske kursus i plastikkirurgi bliver i Gaia i Portugal.

Der kommer opslag med detaljer på EBOPRAS hjemmeside

Mødets placering:

Workshop – plastikkirurgisk kompetencevurdering
20. oktober 2015 - 18. november 2015

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Århus 20-10-15

Roskilde 18-11-15

Mødets placering:

Bapras 9th congres
17. september 2015 - 20. september 2015


Mødets placering: Thessaloniki, Grækenland

European Burns Association
16. september 2015 - 19. september 2015


Kongressen 2015 i European Burns Associaltion bliver i Hannover. Læs mere på

Mødets placering: Hannover, Tyskland

onkoplastisk brystkirurgi
27. august 2015 - 28. august 2015

Det er Dansk Brystkirurgisk Selskab, som står som arrangør af kurset, og tilmeldingerne foregår via Dansk Kirurgisk Selskabs hjemmeside og betalingsfunktion. Dette link går direkte til opslaget på


Mødets placering: Panum instituttet København

13. maj 2015 - 17. marts 2015

Hosted by University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust

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Mødets placering: UK

Forårmøde DSPR
8. maj 2015 - 17. marts 2015

Mødets placering: Panuminstituttet København

Mikrokirurgisk verdenskongres 2015
19. marts 2015 - 22. marts 2015


World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery afholder 8. verdenskongres.

Følg med her.

Mødets placering: Mumbai, Indien

Advanced microfellowship in revision rhinoplasty
28. januar 2015 - 31. januar 2015

Dear colleague, We are pleased to announce the first edition of the “Advanced Minifellowship in Revision Rhinoseptoplasty” in Bergamo, in the high tech Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital. As announced during the Fourth Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty Course, this will be a full four days hands-on, round-the-clock learning opportunity reserved to 6 participants maximum. Dr Robotti and his staff will take the participants, in direct interaction in the operating room, through 4-5 different cases of revision rhinoplasty, requiring a complete spectrum of surgical techniques, from local rearrangement to rib. Each participant will also have the chance to directly manipulate a cadaver rib segment and learn rib sectioning and dicing techniques. The exclusive interactive opportunity to enhance your know-how in the theater Live surgeries Daily lectures Clinical case analysis Cadaver rib work Please go to the new section of the website for all details. Best regards, Enrico Robotti Course Director

Mødets placering: Bergamo, Italien

ISBI kongres 2014 i Sydney
12. oktober 2014 - 16. oktober 2014






International Society for Burn Injuries afholder i 2014 den 17. kongres i Sydney.

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Mødets placering: Sydney, Australien

23. Europæiske kursus i plastikkirurgi
7. oktober 2014 - 9. oktober 2014


 We cordially invite you to join or ask your registrars to join the 23rd European Course in Plastic Surgery

to be held on 7-9 October 2014 in Scandic Park Hotel, Helsinki , Finland


A comprehensive programme has been assembled, which will be presented

by a well-selected, distinguished and international scientific faculty.

The scientific topics of the course comprise the entire spectrum

of plastic surgery including new ideas and aspects. The course

is intended for plastic surgeons and residents in training, who wish to

improve their knowledge, patients outcomes and satisfaction. We do

hope that you will benefit from this “up to date” rehearsal of what is the

state of art in Plastic Surgery in Europe and spend fruitful days in the

Capital of the Finland and that you can use this opportunity to make

new friends.


More information is available on our website


Looking forward to seeing you in Finland

OK allekirjoitus 001

Outi Kaarela  MD, PhD

Associate professor of Plastic Surgery

Oulu University Hospital, Finland

Organizer of the 23rd European Course in Plastic Surgery


Erkin allekirjoitus B

Erkki Tukiainen  MD, PhD

Professor of Plastic Surgery

Helsinki University Hospital, Finland

Organizer of the 23rd European Course in Plastic Surgery

Mødets placering: Helsinki

ISAPS-kongres 2014 i Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien
19. september 2014 - 22. september 2014


22. ISAPS kongres afholdes i Rio de Janeiro. Læs mere på

Mødets placering: Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien

ESPRAS-kongres 2014 i Edinburgh
6. juli 2014 - 11. juli 2014


Se mere om den næste europæske plastikkirurgiske kongres på

Mødets placering: Edinburgh, UK

Nordisk Plastikkirurgisk Kongres
12. juni 2014 - 14. juni 2014


Den 35. Nordisk Plastikkirurgisk Kongres og 7. Nordiske kongres for Plastikkirurgiske Sygeplejersker afholdes i 2014 i Tromsø, Norge

Se mere på

Registrering er åben og abstracts modtages.

Sidste frist for tidlig tilmelding er 1. februar.

Mødets placering: Tromsø, Norge

Beauty through Science 2014, Akademikliniken
5. juni 2014 - 7. juni 2014

Akademikliniken afholder det 10. internationale æstetiske symposium

Beauty trough Science 2014

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Mødets placering: Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre

EURAPS-møde 2014 i Italien
29. maj 2014 - 31. maj 2014


Det 25. årlige møde i EURAPS afholdes i Italien. Læs mere på

Mødets placering: Lacco Ameno, Ischia, Italien

Forårsmøde DSPR
23. maj 2014

DSPR afholder 50 års jubilæumsmøde med efterfølgende fest

Læs mere under Nyheder

Tilmeldingsfrist for mødedeltagelse, fest og abstracts er 21. april.






Mødets placering: Panum Insituttet, jubilæumsfest i Domus Medica

RRS - Risk Reducing Strategies Iceland.
8. maj 2014 - 9. maj 2014


1. Skandinaviske møde i nORBS (nordic - ORBS) om risikoreducerende strategier for BRACA patienter.



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Mødets placering: Reykavik, Island

Dansk Mikrokirurgisk Selskab
24. april 2014 - 25. april 2014


Dansk Mikrokirurgisk Selskab afholder årsmøde 2014 med emnerne "Treatment of cerebral vascular anomalies", "Peripheral nerve surgery" og "Breast reconstruction"
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Mødets placering: Hindsgavl Slot, Middelfart

Brystrekonstruktion med T-DAP-lap, Aarhus
23. april 2014

Plastikkirurgisk afdeling i Aarhus arrangerer live surgery session med

professor M. Hamdi

vedrørende brystrekonstruktion med T-DAP-lap

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Mødets placering: Aarhus Universitetshospital

Dansk Selskab for Sårheling, Temadag om evidens
21. marts 2014 - 23. april 2014

Dansk Selskab for Sårheling afholder temadagen

Evidens - har det betydning for valg af metoder, teknikker og produkter ved moderne sårbehandling?

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Tilmeldingsfrist 10. februar 2014


Mødets placering: Hotel Svendborg, Centrumpladsen 1, 5700 Svendborg

Repræsentantskabsmøde i DMG
5. marts 2014 - 15. marts 2014

Bemærk at mødet i år er den første onsdag i marts. Program kan ses på

Mødet foregår på RH i konferencerummet på 2102.

Mødets placering: Rigshospitalet

Lymfødemkirurgi og brystkirurgi, Barcelona
5. marts 2014 - 7. marts 2014


3. Europæiske konference om lymfødemkirurgi og Barcelona Breast Meeting er lagt i forlængelse af hinanden. Man kan deltage i hver af dem eller begge.
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Mødets placering: Barcelona, Spanien

SESPRS brystkirurgisymposium 2014
31. januar 2014 - 2. februar 2014


Bredt dækkende symposium om plastikkirurgisk brystkirurgi. Læs mere på

Mødets placering: Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Efterårsmødet på Hindsgavl Slot
4. oktober 2013 - 5. oktober 2013

Læs om mødet her

Mødets placering: Hindsgavl Slot, Hindsgavl Allé 7, 5500 Middelfart

5. marts 2013 - 5. oktober 2013

Repræsentantskabsmøde BEMÆRK dato

Mødets placering: Rigshospitalet